Whether you’re in an abusive relationship and thinking about leaving or in the process of getting away, you must think through how you will protect yourself from harm. Having a safety plan in place is crucial to ensuring that you remain protected.
You need to consider some essential points as you create your safety plan. Today we’re here to help you create a strategy for your unique situation.
What Key Factors Need To Be A Part Of My Domestic Violence Safety Strategy?
As a victim of domestic violence, you know how quickly a tense scene can become violent. Being ready for any eventuality will help you stay safe!
Here are some vital points that we recommend to be a part of your strategy:
- Talk to a trusted friend or neighbor about what you’re experiencing. Identify a code word or signal you can use if you need their help and establish the steps they should take if you use that word or signal, such as calling 9-1-1 or picking up your kids.
- Abusive situations are unpredictable, so you never know when you might have to leave. With this in mind, keep your gas tank filled with gas and leave all your car doors locked except those on the driver’s side This step ensures you won’t have to unlock the door before entering the car.
- Abusive people will often take a victim’s keys to keep them from escaping, so put an extra set of keys in a safe place to access them in an emergency. Keep your cell phone with you and the location of the nearest public phone.
- Ensure that your kids know they should never intervene in any violent situation. Explain the importance of safely leaving the house and going to a friend or neighbor’s house if they are old enough. Teach them how to call 9-1-1 or contact a domestic violence center. Bridges Domestic Violence Center can be reached 24/7 at (615) 599 5777.
How Can Bridges Domestic Violence Center Help Me Safely Exit An Abusive Relationship?
We are here for you any time of the day or night.
We provide these services for victims:
- Temporary shelter
- Safe space for your children and pets
- Support groups
- Crisis intervention
- Child Advocacy
- And much more
As the only domestic violence shelter in Williamson County, Tennessee, Bridges Domestic Violence Center is dedicated to helping victims and survivors find a pathway to safety and independence.
Contact us today to get the help you need.
Our not-for-profit, non-discriminatory organization offers life-changing services and programs free of charge to anyone who has experienced physical, mental, or sexual abuse.
We are a member agency of United Way of Greater Nashville.